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Robin has a true passion for small companies and employees who want to grow in their careers, but need direction.  There's a story behind this...


Robin's Story:


I was from a small town on a path to upper management in a fast food franchise restaurant—one that everyone is familiar with. I found out I was going to have my first child, and instantly was transferred to a location with no upward movement potential.  I was really disappointed because I thought I had finally made it in this manager role, and here I was, being shuffled around to a dead end career.


I tried to make a comeback after my leave, but had some significant health issues that landed me in ICU.  The surprise was that my small town fast food management didn't understand that and looked for a way to get me out.


 I knew this was not the place for me, but I knew that something wasn't right about what was happening to me.  Being from a small town with limited knowledge, I didn't understand this until later in my career.



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I had to work to provide for my new little family, but I didn't want to just do anything.  Although in my town, being a manager of a fast food restaurant was a big deal, I could feel a pull to go to college and make something more of myself.


And that's when I decided to choose Indiana University.


I originally made marketing my major and was pleased to be offered a position in career services while working on my degree. After a few semesters I quickly realized HR was where I needed to be—I loved the speciality of Career Coaching!


I was very excited to be hired by a large organization right out of college and continued to work my way up the career ladder in Human Resources. However, I wasn't done with school yet and went back for my Masters Degree in Human Resources and Organizational Development.


Over time, I solidified my skill as an HR Business Partner and Career Coach, and now I work specifically with small companies and blue collar workers to help them avoid the mistakes that I experienced as an employee so long ago.


I'm fair, and I'm an advocate for both the company and employees.



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